Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End

     Feeling somewhat heroic for hitting so many of the places on our list, we ran across the street to re-join our group to head for the Gold Line stop. It turned out we probably could have stopped for a quick mochi. L

superhero pose!
     But we were also exhausted from running and starving. It was starting to show!


     Some groups weren't back yet, so we had a few minutes to check out the architecture of the building across from the museum.

     When everybody was reuinted, we walked over to the Gold Line station. Guess what? We MISSED THE TRAIN! So another race was on as we speed-walked all the way to Union Station. Okay, it wasn’t that far, but it wasn’t easy walking in a group of about 100 down the busy streets of Los Angeles – and getting stuck at a “don’t walk” sign when the rest of the group is going, going, gone!

     We made it to Union Station, headed for Platform 7B (all the while keeping an eye out for Platform 9 ¾) and boarded our Metrolink Train for the ride back to Pomona.

Union Station
     We lucked out and got seats on the upper level again.
View from the top of the train
     Fortunately, we also got seats with a table, which came in very  handy.

     Little Tokyo was a very interesting place, and I would like to go back again to spend more time looking around, (and less time panicking about missing something on the assignment list.) Thank you, Mr. Misawa, for making it possible for our class to get to experience Little Tokyo!

The End

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